American Art

Robert Knudson

American (1913-2007)


Robert KnudsonA native Minnesotan, Robert Knudson took his formal art training at the Minneapolis College of Art & Design, graduating in 1950. The world of advertising art, color photography, and business management occupied some thirteen years of his life. In September 1957, only a month after his first visit to the Southwest, Bob moved his family to Arizona. He worked in the business sector for some years, but in 1963, the overwhelming desire to paint ultimately brought him back to his first love to make a full commitment to his art. “I had to do it,” Bob explains. “Everything the Southwest represented to me cried out for painting.”

Working in oils, acrylics, watercolors, and pastels throughout his long art career, Bob has used them to express his passion for vibrant beauty and color of southwest landscapes. His work is characterized by luminous color and superb mastery of media and subject.

Besides developing his own craft, Knudson has shared his knowledge and experience as an instructor of both classes and private students.

Bob has shown his work in galleries in Arizona, Wyoming, New York, Texas, and New Mexico. His work has appeared in publications such as Arizona Highways, Southwest Art, and Western Art Digest, and can be found in major collections through the United States, both private and corporate. Biographical reviews include Who’s Who in American Art, Who’s Who in the West, and others.

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